How do you want your days to go?
How can you raise your vibrations?
I have been busy taking opportunities and starting new ventures, I hope you have too.
I normally get what I am asking for as I use the tools and put them into practice.
But today I wanted to talk about raising your vibrations and seeing your days going well, even if you just don’t feel it at the moment!
I know this can be a challenge, but it can be done.
This is why I have a new opportunity for you!
An unbelievable invitation that you will love. x
I have been working in the field of positivity since 2012 and have had some amazing things happen in my life, I’ve attracted all that I want so far and had some life-changing experiences too.
The desires are getting bigger, and I accept that these can take a little longer to show up in my life.
It's our belief systems that determine our outcomes, we have to believe that we can have what we are asking for, and trust the process, this is the key.
So, “Trust and Believe!!
I had been asking for a new way to talk to more people to share the positive light and message to the masses and one day I received a message from my mentor Sue Stone.
Sue kindly asked me if I wanted to be the Host of her private online Facebook group, called
Of course, I took up the role, YAY!!!
We are a group of knowledgeable Positive empowerment coaches from all walks of life, with all different backgrounds who collaborate, teach, talk about how to maintain a positive mindset, help others, solve problems, go deep, and teach the tools, techniques and top Tips to help with anxiety, worry and feeling good too by raising our vibes!!
We all meet up twice a month on Zoom live and basically have fun whilst learning, anyone can ask any question and we all talk about it, hearing others' points of view too.
It's all related to staying positive, being open-minded, dealing with feelings, emotions and helping others in what way we can, plus the subject of the Law of attraction is at its core.
The zoom is recorded and is posted in the Facebook group to watch at a later date if you can't make the meeting.
We also have a TAB Facebook group to join once you have signed up.
Such a helpful Buzz!!!!
If this sounds like something you would be interested to join, then take a look at the link here.
You have everything to gain!
So regarding raising your vibe, here is a short video I recorded to help you.
Love and light to you.
Just know that everything will turn out just fine, just “TRUST AND BELIEVE”
Love KIM xxxx
I have been busy video Vlogging too, here is the link for tons of positive tips and help.
It would be amazing if you would subscribe, like and share to help to radiate positivity, because the planet needs it, and it would certainly raise the vibration of the energy we all emit.
If we all did this the world would be a better place to live in.
Author, Positive Speaker, Mentor, Artist, Light worker x
Get your Free PDf on 7 ways to overcome Self-doubt and gain more confidence, Click here https://bit.ly/7waystoovercome
Positive Thinking Online course
Read my book "Out of the shadows" a personal story of transformation and Karma https://bit.ly/kimwymerbookt
Business inquiries with Kim Wymer.
Spirit Animal Art
YouTube channel
July 2022