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Doing this one thing helps to keep you calm.

Writer's picture: kim Wymerkim Wymer

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

Hello beautiful souls,

I trust that you have been coping ok and you are feeling very well.

I think the time is flying by on this journey of life, its the middle of June, the 6th Month. OMG!! The weather is choppy now but I heard we will experience Ibiza weather next week, ooo, I hope so as it raises people's vibes even higher when its bright outside.

I felt inspired to put out a blog to share some positivity and help in any way I can. I wanted to share one of the ways that I have been coping these last few months. I have many ways of coping in difficult times that help with mental awareness and mind health so that I can thrive the best that I can in uncertain times, and of course, help others to do so too.

For a start I may have mentioned before that I do not own a TV and haven't done for many years, it's just that I would rather educate myself with my own interests and prefer to not be programmed by the media. This keeps me calm.

I prefer to focus on things that uplift me and make me feel better to raise my vibes and as they say positivity on the news doesn't sell.

I refuse to rise to any fear, and that's in my belief system and my way to cope.

I have that choice.

What also keeps me calm is the way I speak to myself, "Its all going to be ok, don't worry, good can only come out of this" I am an avid believer that after chaos comes order, it's like the dark before the dawn, just keep that in mind. Everything happens for a reason.

The best thing you can ever do for yourself is to LIVE IN THE NOW.

In this very moment right now, just keep bringing your mind back to this very moment.

When you find yourself worrying about the past or the future, which isn't even here at the moment, and is not even real, be mindful of where you stand now!! what are you doing now? where are you, what can you see, hear, feel?

living in the now.

It's powerful stuff.

Here's a short video I recorded a while back, Hope it helps!


I send you all love, light, peace and High energy because that's what you are.

Have the knowing that world peace will come, more and more people are waking up to the bigger picture of life.

I wish you only the best.

Come and join us for some more positivity, videos, conversation, Lives and quotes in our Free Facebook group "Positive Empowerment Group"

Keep on looking up, Love Kim xxx

Author, Positive Speaker, Mentor, Artist, Light worker x

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17/june 2020

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